Friday, 28 February 2020

Thursday, 27 February 2020

Wrocław - Breslau

Animals with pups


Ponta da Piedade
Travesseiro de Sintra, Portuguese sweet dessert

Friday, 21 February 2020

Москва - Moskau - Moscow

Станция метро "Парк Победы"
Metrostation "Park des Sieges"
Metro Station "Park of Victory" 
Спасибо Алла :)

Светлогорск - Swetlogorsk - Svetlogorsk

Скулптуры "Рыбак", "Несущая воду" и "Нимфа"
Skulpturen "Fischer", "Wasserträgerin" und "Nymphe" 
Sculptures "Fisherman", "Water Carrier" and "Nymph" 
Спасибо Алла :)

Greetings from... Latvia

Coat of arm of Koknese

Tatai vár - Burg Tata - Tata castle

Öreg tó a várral
Altteich mit der Burg 
Old pond with castle 
Hungarian bus "Ikarusz"

Tuesday, 4 February 2020

Winchester - Hampshire

Cathedral, Cheyney Court, Wykeham Arms,
King Alfred & The Guildhall, Jane Austen's House
City Clock, Canon St, Peninsula Square, Itchen Navigation

Royal Albert Bridge 
Airplane "Comet" 1952 

Маяк Толбухин - Leuchtturm Tolbuchin - Lighthouse Tolbukhin

Hong Kong