Wednesday, 29 April 2020

Nagoya Station - Bahnhof in Nagoya

Thank you, Kiziri :)


Costiera Amalfitana
Amalfi Küste
Amalfi Coast 
NativeCanadian tribe

Grazie, Vincenzo :)

Motýle - Schmetterlinge - Butterflies

Lóvasút - Pferdeeisenbahn - Horse Railways

150 éve pesti lóvasút
150 Jahre Pester Pferdeeisenbahn
150 years of the Pesti Horse Railway 
Historic load scale
Horse Railway in Pest
Historic chair

Köszi, Dodó

Gárdonyi Géza

Gárdonyi Géza 150. születésnapja
150. Geburtstag von Geza Gardonyi
150th birthday of Geza Gardonyi 
Historic Post coach
Historic Postal plaque
Geza Gardonyi, Hungarian writer

Köszi, Dodó

Villamos mozdony - Elektrolok - Electric locomotive

Ganz, Hungarian machine factory
V43 Electro locomotive
Button of a historic post uniform

Köszönöm szépen, Dodó

Saturday, 25 April 2020

Moineaux - Spatzen - Sparrows

Les moineaux de la France
Die Spatzen von Frankreich
The sparrows of France 

Armillary sphere

Merci, Estelle :)

Time Flies...

Thank you, Jenn :)

Wednesday, 22 April 2020


International Stamp Fair in Essen

EUROPA19 National birds: Yellowhammer

Wednesday, 15 April 2020

Saturday, 11 April 2020

Praha - Prag - Prague

Pražské mosty
Prager Brücken
Bridges of Prague

Railway Museum - Eisenbahnmuseum

The King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry, Class 55, 1961
Die königliche Yorkshire-Infanterie, Klasse 55, 1961

Queen Elizabeth II.
Black hole

 Thank you, Anne :)

Саратов - Saratow - Saratov

Спасибо большое, Татьяна и ее дочь :)

Friday, 3 April 2020