Sunday 14 August 2022

Pompei - Pompeii - Pompeji


Pompei era un'antica città campana sul Golfo di Napoli che, come Ercolano, Stabiae e Oplontis, fu sepolta durante l'eruzione del Vesuvio nel 79 d.C., ma rimase in gran parte conservata sotto la cenere vulcanica.

Pompeii was an ancient city in Campania on the Gulf of Naples that, like Herculaneum, Stabiae and Oplontis, was buried during the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD, but remained largely preserved under the volcanic ash.

Pompeji war eine antike Stadt in Kampanien am Golf von Neapel, die wie Herculaneum, Stabiae und Oplontis beim Ausbruch des Vesuvs im Jahr 79 n. Chr. verschüttet wurde, aber weitgehend unter der Vulkanasche erhalten blieb.

GPN stamp

UNESCO #829:
Archaeological Areas of Pompei, Herculaneum and Torre Annunziata

Köszi, Noémi

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