Sunday 4 September 2022

மாமல்லபுரம் இரதக் கோயில்கள் - Five Rathas - Fünf Rathas


 The five Rathas (Draupadi, Arjuna, Bhima, Dharmaraja and Nakula-Sahadeva) are monolithic temples in the southern Indian city of Mamallapuram (Tamil Nadu state). In front of the temples are various animal statues, including lions, elephants and Nandi bulls. Since 1984, the ensemble is part of UNESCO.

 Die fünf Rathas (Draupadi, Arjuna, Bhima, Dharmaraja and Nakula-Sahadeva) sind monolithische Tempel in der südindischen Stadt Mamallapuram (Bundesstaat Tamil Nadu). Vor den Tempel befinden sich diverse Tierstatuen, under anderem Löwen, Elefanten und Nandi-Bullen. Seit 1984 ist das Ensemble Teil der UNESCO.

Women in the Indian Army

UNESCO #249:
Group of Monuments at Mahabalipuram

Thank you, Malathi

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